Do not consider this frivolous interference. More than 60% of pregnant women in Indonesia are experiencing anemia.
Anemia is a condition in which the rate of hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells is less. Normally, the rate of hemoglobin in the blood of someone around 12 g/100 ml. When the rate of hemoglobin in the blood ranged from 9-11 g/100 ml, people classified as mild anemia. Meanwhile, when the rate of hemoglobin 6-8 g/100 ml, means are suffering anemia. We can put groups of anemic rate of weight when the hemoglobin less than 6 g/100 ml.
Actually, how important is, the rate of hemoglobin in the blood?
It is very important. For, the amount of the rate of hemoglobin in the blood cells of each will determine the ability of blood to carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. As we know, the oxygen needed for the smooth function of organs throughout the body.
Then, what caused the anemia?
First, due to lack of iron and acid folat called anemia defisiensi iron. In addition it can also because of the lack of folat acid and vitamin B12 (megaloblastik anemia).
Anemia can also occur as the result of spinal marrow that are less able to make blood cells new (hipoplastik anemia), and as a result of crushing red blood cells progress more quickly from the produce (hemolitik anemia). In pregnancy, which is most often found defisiensi iron anemia.
Why pregnant women suffer from anemia easy?
When pregnant, the volume of blood in the body increased by around 50%. This is because the body needs extra blood to supply oxygen and food for the growth of the fetus.
Increasing the volume of blood also means increasing the amount of iron needed to produce cells, red blood cells. During pregnancy, iron needs of 800 mg, 500 mg which is used to increase red blood cells is 300 mg mother to fetus and Hampi.
What consequences for pregnant women?
Most likely he will have more interference, for example, a simple fainting, easy to miscarriage, childbirth or the result of the prolonged contraction that is not good.
How do the consequences for the fetus?
Anemic condition of pregnant women who can not be solved cause obstructed fetal growth, premature birth, born with iron reserves that are less, or born with a congenital defect.
How anemia patient characteristics?
The lack of hemoglobin rate only slightly, most people do not reveal symptoms. But if enough shortfalls, physical education, will look pale, especially in the mucous membrane eyelid, lips, and nails. In addition, the body feels lethargic, weak, tired easily, often suffering dizzy with the views berkunang worm, especially when rose from the couch or sitting position. It decreased concentration.
Can anemic condition known since early?
Can. Generally, in the first pregnancy examination, the doctor will ask you to check the blood. From here know how your actual conditions.
What can be done to overcome the anemia?
Since before pregnancy to during pregnancy, recommended their consumption of food rich in iron, acid folat also B vitamins, such as liver, meat, yellow eggs, anchovy, milk, and nuts such as tempeh and soy milk, green vegetables and old as spinach, and katuk.
In addition, the type of food consumption also facilitate the absorption of iron, for example, foods that contain vitamin C levels. The need to be avoided is the food / beverage, which can hinder the absorption of iron, for example, coffee.
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