If you smoke, you probably know, the public, related health risks. Smoking and diabetes is a different question. Diabetics who smoke, the management of the disease and continue to expand, and three symptoms. First, let me look at the dangers of smoking itself, and then examine the consequences of smoking may be type 2 diabetes.
Smoking has an impact on high blood pressure and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, there is a danger that this type of cancer:
1. Cancer of the mouth
2. Lung Cancer
3. Larynx
4. Bladder cancer
Smoking can lead to high cholesterol and hardening of arteries.
Smokers who have a threefold risk of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and hardening of arteries. Smoking is also the risk of nerve damage, known complications, diabetes. Foot problems as worse than smokers, and smokers also more likely to develop kidney disease. Respiratory disease is more common among smokers, and often this means that fluctuations in blood glucose when they are sick.
Smoking increased the risk really worth all this? You should know that most smokers, it is a question of combating addiction, and if you are diabetic, the chances really against you. Smoking is always the thing in their favor, and you must find ways to stop smoking. Smoking and diabetes is a bad combination, and the best thing you can do for yourself is find a way to quit smoking.
With smoking successfully? Some recommendations:
1. Nicotine replacement therapy. Some people live well, while others believe it does not help. Often you can tell your doctor a prescription for one and work with you to help you quit smoking.
2. Cold Turkey. Some people may be Turkey, and, finally, his addiction. This method is best suited for those who are not too dependent on their nicotine addiction.
3. Patches. Studies show that successful correction of users doubled, as with other methods of nicotine replacement therapy. It is not easy, but they depend, may be worth a try.
4. Acupuncture. It works well for some people, but six to seven or more procedures in order to achieve success.
After the descent, some of them have diabetes recipes to assist in maintaining lunch in check, because one of the things that you may have an increased appetite. To see all aspects of treatment of diabetes in smoking for your blood sugar under control. If you help one group for smoking and diabetes. Do not be afraid to add support for changes to improve their health and quality of life.
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