Purification of the body - especially in the major organs of elimination, bowels, kidneys, liver and skin - a natural health practice that more and more popular. Over the past 10 years have witnessed an explosion in the market that claim to clean and toxins your body better than others.
I tried 12 different products and concepts, and have learned a lot, what works and what does not. I am writing this article, you can take advantage of my mistakes and get your money worth in the program that you try.
Tip 1
Make sure that each program should follow the instructions and recipes for cleaning after the diet. Food is the primary means by which our body of toxins, and so we must be careful What we eat during the harvest. If the program does not do heavy products such as dairy products, meat and wheat products to clean and add a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and other products high in fat, but not for the results you deserve.
Tip 2
Make sure that each program is a natural cleansing of the body, that in fact the choice of 100% natural ingredients. Believe or not, many of them do not try to save money through the use of fillers, stabilizers, chemical ingredients and herbs that have been irradiated. I tried some of them are pure and honest, almost a waste of time. I am now completely is one of only 3, I noticed that all natural herbs, fresh and nothing else. No compromise on this issue.
Tip 3
Find a program that is more than just a clean colon. The colon is an important organ for detoxification. Because this is 1 - 1.5 kg (2-3 pounds) of waste every day. However, the kidneys and liver are also important to ensure the purity of the body. I recommend any natural body cleanse complete coverage of these three institutions. This is easily done with the right combination of herbs and does not require much effort and cost.