Reduce Diabetes Risk

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Diabetes occurs when insulin - a hormone the body to help us take the sugar in the blood - can not perform its duties, so that the sugar in the blood will be increased to cause damage to nervous.

The danger signs!
Coming soon physician met at the symptoms: feeling thirsty yng continuously, views, vague, itching on the feet and hands, or a round black mark on the skin around your neck. Also wary if one of your close family suffer from the disease.

Here are some suggestions to reduce the risk:

• Sports regularly for a further 20 minutes, 3 times a week, can reduce the body does not become susceptible to insulin.

• beware of the rate of fat that is not normal in the blood, which is a risk factor causes of diabetes.

• Make your cholesterol test. If test results show a high rate of trigliserid content and low HDL koresterol, you are in a dangerous area.