Nature unconscious or the soul or spirit is
central control in the human mind from day to day. Human activity learner
usual good that he was aware or not, depending on what
terprogram in natural sadarnya down. Retention (memory) in the brain is
Main programs of the nature of the unconscious man to beraktifitas day to day
realize in the country. One example is the ability to drive a vehicle
namely the car. If the drive is still learning, the human brain will be
really concentrate (Alpha on the situation in the frequency of 7.12 Hz) to
how to get the car really comes into the warehouse of memory. Next
after some brain provides a series of memorials, the
natural unconscious program will automatically, so that we do not
concentration difficulties that arise when the car is operated. Similarly,
trauma and restlessness. Trauma and anxiety of disruption is closely related to the recall us. When we experience side effects, and it is the imprint
memories, the natural reaction from the subconscious mind will automatically program
while we know that when we meet the same or similar
bad memories with us, we will reject / themselves.
There are things that need to be emphasized in this hipnoteraphy, the first
relaxed situation and the condition of patients can achieve more, because at that time to relax
the actual condition of the body and brain to join with natural and unconscious
It matters that we can extraordinary kondisikan. Therefore,
Time is human nature in the framework of the program in May to sadarnya
quality of life better.
In hypnotyzed conditions, a person easily filled programs on the natural soil
sadarnya. This is then used for the interests of therapy, from the soul of many cases, such as:
* Reduce stress.
* Reduction in weight (with changes in the structure of the food).
* The problem of emotions: stress, panic, fear, revenge, remove the memory of the past
(victims of violence / rape, etc.).
* Stopping bad habits: drugs, smoking, gambling, attitudes slow, lazy,
bashful, stuttering, bite-bite nails.
* Problem: sex, eating and sleeping (difficult / OS).
* Increased performance: Learning, sports, business and creativity.
* Reduction in pain (pull teeth, circumcision, minor surgery, childbirth), and so forth.