Agency for Drugs and Food (BPOM) withdrawal of the 22 species of medicinal and herbal medicine for the strong men of different brand, because it contains dangerous chemicals such as citric sildenafit and tadalafil.
If humans consume drugs that contain citric sildenafit can cause headaches, dizziness, dyspepsia, nausea, stomach pain, vision disturbances, the pioneer (nasal inflammation, infarak mio kard, chest pain, chest pain, rapid heartbeat and death).
While drugs that contain tadalafil, can cause muscle pains, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdomen pain, dyspepsia, back pain, ruddy face, nasal congestion, fotosensitifitas and permanent loss of sexual potency.
Drug withdrawal is a strong step to the right people who are often cheated by advertising on television being promoted as an herbal drug, after it is not examined. Kind of strong medicine for the Blue Moon price is quite expensive, and Rp 36000-38000 per Tripoten strips (4 seed) price of Rp. 8000. While 20 other BPOM withdrawn from circulation usually less known people like Caligula capsule (Herbal Medicine Factory Air Honey - Ipswich), Top-One capsule (PJ Paladiva - Solo), Manovel ((PT. Sari Healthy) Lak Gao (PJ Jaya Sakti Mandiri - Semarang).
During this product, the product is sold freely in the market, and dangerous for people who suffer heart disturbances and low blood pressure.
Tips and Advice:
- Do not buy drugs without a prescription.
- Take appropriate doses of drugs that are
- See the packaging as well, not the original purchase, if you need to use the recipes follow
- Develop healthy lifestyles