Cervical cancer

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What is?
Cervical Cancer / cervix is cancer that occurs in cells cervix, the cells become normal is not normal. Cells in the cervix often changes with the process of regenerating normal. When there is a stimulus that is carsinogen, for example, the virus HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) that certain types of closely related violence denagn cervix cancer, it will become morbid. Changes in these cells usually take the annual (- + 10 years) before the cells become cancerous.

Where is the position?
Cancer is on the cervix, which is the entrance to the uterus. Tuesday cervix consists of 2 types, namely cells and cells lining gepeng form of cube. That most cancer is a type of cell layer gepeng, about 90%.

The usual signs emerged leucorrhoea is repeated, do not stop, every day outside the leucorrhoea characteristics that occur before the cramps and fatigue. Discharge or liquids that are smelly, hard to recover, sometimes with blood color (pink).

Who can be cervix cancer?
Cervix cancer can attack various ages, ranging from pubertas until the age of information. They are high risk are:
1. Married, have sex, birth or in early.
2. have more than one pair (multiple partners)
3. Often sexual partner
4. Have a habit of sexual deviant.
5. Sexual intercourse with a male high-risk carrier (which often pairs)
6. Cleanliness less intact, especially in the area of genitalia
7. Infections are repeated in the cervix
8. Active and passive smoker
9. Human Papilloma Virus infection (HPV). This is the most strong correlation with cervix cancer.

Someone said to be suffering from Cervical cancer if done after a pap smear, found the growth of cells in the cervix that is not common (rocker). The rocker was early cells can be detected, the lower the risk of suffering from cancer cervix.