Zigot from a fetus ....
Did the definition of zigot? Zigot is a collection of cells that divided up to 100 cells, which then called the blastocyst, which is part of the cell which will form a fetus. Meanwhile, the outside of cells that will form Hampi and provide nutrition and life for the fetus.
Three weeks before the occurrence of pregnancy, blastocyst will be inherent in the mother's uterus wall, and then release hCG. This will occur only a few days after fertilization. Doctors usually content will start calculating the 40-week pregnancy, from the date of the first day of the last menstrual mother (although usually fertilization often occurs after 2 weeks, which is the fertile mother).
At the age of 5 weeks, the brain, spinal marrow, heart and other organs begin formed. When this embryo formed from 3 layers, namely ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Every network and fetal organs will be formed from 3 layers of this. Ectoderm will form nervous system and spine, mesoderm will form the heart and circulatory system, and endoderm will form lungs - lungs, digestive system, tiroid gland, liver, and pancreas. Meanwhile, Hampi and begin to establish the ropes navel, where the rope navel will work to send food and nutrition for the fetus is still growing.
Although the embryo is still the same size seeds of rice, pregnant women will begin to feel the signs of early pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting in the morning, frequent urination, sleepy, and the desire for a type of food. Start breast feels swell, and more flabby. Some mothers even began to increase weight. But in general, because of nausea, vomiting, weight will decrease. At the time this is usually the mother began a visit to the doctor, contents and the fifth this week, USG has been able to catch fetal heart rate.
Mother must be extra heart - hearts in the first trimester of this, because this is when the organs - the main organs of the fetus starts to be formed. Mothers should avoid drinking alcohol, drugs - medicines without the supervision of doctors, caffeine and cigarettes. Mother is also recommended to eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly light and consume vitamins to strengthen the fetus, which usually tamarind form folat
From the embryo into the fetus
In the weeks - the last week of trimester 1, the embryo has started to form structures such as the face and shoot and then formed hands and feet.
In the week to 8, then a fetus fetus. Organs such as kidney, liver, lungs - lungs, brain and start working. Finger - the finger-shaped similarly start genitals (which can not be seen because it has not been shaped penis or vagina). In some mothers, shirts are more stringent, albeit not have to wear clothes pregnant.
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