Some myths surrounding pregnancy and childbirth appeared to be scientific, and he is, the facts.
"Let the process of childbirth smoothly, drink coconut oil," said the grandmother's first. You may hear a smile twist. Yes, change the channel with the channel digestion 'I different? I know the origin, if the majority of fat, the stomach will feel heartburn, and we so often defecate.
Indeed, many myths are myths. However, there are also "myth" that it can and there is scientific fact. Ahead, we see some of these myths.
Is a bad sign that your uterus fetus healthy.
According to Dr. Evan Saunders, Obstetri and gynecology specialist from the University of Winconsin School of Medicine, United States, interference nausea caused by changes in the rate of hormones that occur in early pregnancy. This means that your body is preparing for Israeli to the growing fetus in the womb.
In addition, the research on two groups of mothers experience nausea and did not experience nausea, Sunders find the second group appeared to indicate the number of miscarriages is greater than the first group.
The shape of the stomach, wide or sharp, and the heartbeat of the fetus shows the type.
Currently there is evidence that confirms the research it. What is clear, and expand the width of the stomach of pregnant women are usually influenced by the position of the baby, and the bladder.
While the fetal heartbeat in the womb, usually between 110-180 times per minute and vary each time. So, the stomach may be the mother of sharp and hard fetal heartbeat, but the baby is timed by women, while in the next pregnancy with the "signs" that the baby was similar to men.
The use of computers, microwave, or a metal detector checks at the time the pregnancy is not safe for the growth of the fetus.
Dr. Research. Saunders shows, the use of computers and microwave is not harmful to the fetus. Similarly, the inspection with a metal detector at the hotel, shopping center or airport, safe for the fetus.
If the cream is spread right, you will not have stretch marks (lines in the stomach or thigh, which occurred as a result of pregnancy).
Until now, various cream that can only reduce the lines that appear and reduce itching that may be involved. For, stretch marks are more influenced by factors genes. If we have to bring seeds to experience stretch marks, with the added weight of the extraordinary increase during pregnancy, the cream of our olesi not mean much.
Stretch marks can be removed with laser surgery (laser surgery stretch marks), the book is very light. However, this action also can not necessarily eliminate stretch marks, because it depends on how severe the network split the skin.
If the pregnancy is quite a month and you immediately want to experience the process of childbirth, just try to relate intimate with her husband.
Myth is also truth. For, hormone prostaglandin, which is in liquid cement (the liquid is issued when the seriously crazy man), can cause contraction and refine the uterus cervix. Thus, the process of childbirth may occur more quickly.
In addition, Broadband can also trigger the onset contraction womb. But, if premature birth, intimate touch several times it will make you immediately delivered. So, you really need to wait until the time the birth is near.
Consume spicy foods cause pregnant mothers giving birth parents so quickly.
In fact, pregnant mothers do not have certain foods taboo. However, there are foods that should be avoided, such as food derived from the very lembik cheese or cheese from raw milk. Food-feared fast food is rotten, that contain bacteria called lysteria. The bacteria is often associated with the possible causes of miscarriage or early labor.
Labor will cause the normal function of the weak bladder.
Perhaps, some women who had delivered with the normal childbirth process (through the vagina) and accidental damage to muscle and ligament network pelvis, so the cause can not hold out urine. Origin know, this is actually rarely found.
If you fear, and plan for the operation of Caesar only assume that because the operation safer than giving birth to normal, then you should think twice. For, operating Caesar is also a major operating risk (including the possibility teririsnya bladder operation when done).
In fact, to strengthen pelvic muscles supporting the bladder, you can also do Kegel exercises. Training can be done when pregnant and a week after your birth. How, kerutkan muscles around the vagina, do business, such as holding urine, and hold about 10 seconds, then remove it again. Do this ten times each day.
Once the liquid fetal membrane broken, the baby will be born soon.
In general, after a broken water fetal membrane, still requires a long-time hours for contraction until the baby is born. However, bursting with fetal membrane, the process of childbirth should be implemented immediately. Because, it is feared that the bacteria in the vagina into the uterus and cause infection in the fetus.
Better if you come to the hospital or home childbirth before the fetal membrane broken. Doctor or midwife will usually help solve bag fetal membrane, so the baby can head into the pelvis at the right time.
When you start diinduksi (dirangsang contraction to occur), not long and you will be delivered directly.
After diinduksi, may be a new contraction occurred several hours later. In fact, it can not happen at all contraction. Origin know, at the end of pregnancy, cervix to soften usually begin the process of childbirth preparation. Then, when diinduksi, usually drugs will be put memipihkan network and cervix, so that the contraction occurs.
In the process of induction such, doctors usually give pitocin, a synthetic hormone. However, because of many factors that can cause the labor process runs smoothly or jammed, the induction is not necessarily a way to spur labor. Really, there is also pregnant women who have been "over time" matters, for diinduksi after 24 hours was only the opening of only a few cm. In a rare condition that such process should end in childbirth operating table.
If the difficult birth, drinking only rendaman grass Fatimah.
Fatimah grass, also known by the name of this Labisia pumila, based on the study of traditional medicine in Sabah, Malaysia, 1998, said oksitosin contain hormones, which can help the cause contraction. Usually, grass Fatimah is soaked in water to swell, and then drink the water rendamannya. In Malaysia, water and grass is also used by mothers after childbirth, to help the recovery of post-childbirth uterus contraction. However, because the medicine is a traditional medicine, then takarannya not yet clear.
Now, the myths which still raises question marks for you? To note, before can be described with the sense, not too affected by the various myths that can be more confusing you.
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