In the United States, Barack Obama, in health insurance plans to resistance from some Republican lawmakers.
Republicans try to materialize the proposal, arguing that the bill in the Senate will be up to 2.4 million from the private health insurance, the government - by lighting.
In general, the Senate legislation to increase spending by $ 31.5 billion over the next 4 years and a half. Enlargement will have a federal tax and an increase in snuff products.
However, Senator Jon Kyl said that the plan is not sufficient for the State Children's health insurance program for low-income families.
Kyl noted that approximately one third of those who get insurance in connection with the bill would have access to private health insurance. He said: "We have a lot of private insurance with public insurance."
Sen. Richard Durbin, responded to criticism with the argument that the scheme was too generous to middle-income families, and indeed the fact that these families face. "
Help Medical Insurance
Schip was founded in 1997 and is one of the federal-state partnership for families who are economically too much to fight Medicaid to pay, but also private health insurance.
States greater flexibility to candidates for the desirable and the Republicans talk about how New York and New Jersey to extend the program for families with incomes that exceed the need for state support.
Despite the fact that Republicans are the views of their strength, their weakness is their number, as they do not have the votes to prevent the legislation, Democrats have a majority in Congress.
Thus, members of the Senate and the House, the work of the difference in the legislation before Barack Obama could sign the bill.
Parliament adopted a law similar to for nearly two weeks by a vote of 289-129. Forty Republicans voted for the measure.
Barack Obama is that we advocate for a new America. In 2007, President George W. Bush twice vetoed the Democratic bill to expand children's health insurance. Obama said that he hoped that the Senate quickly, so that the new law may be reauthorized and expanded.
Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate over Bush's decision to extend the ban: "endangers the health of children in America, not a political victory for all. This is a loss for everybody. It has long past time to be rectified."
Senator Max Baucus is also in favor of Schip, said that the number of uninsured children increased by one third of the program and said that the new law would mean that higher income families have less money to the federal government covers the Schip.
To pay for the expansion plan, lawmakers must increase the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes to U.S. $ 1. This is a 61 cents increase. Baucus said, is another: "The increase in the cost of cigarettes, rappee, especially among young people. And it will be good for children too."
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