Bronchodilators are divided into three subgroups, such as beta-2 agonists, anticholinergics and xanthine.
Beta2-agonists to reduce symptoms by relaxing chronic airways in the lungs. Salbutamol and terbutaline, some common types of beta-2-agonists.
Anticholinergic drugs are used for patients to breathe easier. Nevertheless, it works differently, as compared with beta2-agonists. "Atrovent" is an example of the drug.
Xanthine alkaloids from the group that used to treat the symptoms of bronchitis. Xanthine others concluded that they may be inflammation in the way of the flow of air from the lungs.
2. Corticosteroids
In order to prevent excessive inflammation and irritation of the bronchi, corticosteroids may be used. This is usually caused by the inhalation of drugs. However, there are patients who are prescribed medications for in tablet form. These patients suffer from acute lung infection.
Improper or drug abuse may be blurred vision, urination, and reiterates the need to drink plenty of liquids.
3. Supplemental oxygen
Not all people with chronic illnesses should be extra oxygen. If you have low oxygen in the blood, or if you have a minor lung injury, it is recommended to undergo treatment.
The cylinder or concentrator, is used to produce oxygen that the body needs. When using a "nose cone" you are able to breathe oxygen for you to meet.
In the presence of oxygen, you can use a normal amount of oxygen in the blood that your body needs. In addition, you can breathe better.
4. Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
Influenza vaccine is a vaccine to protect people from influenza virus. "The recording is normally done in the hands of each year. No less important is the pneumonia shot. This vaccine, protection against pneumococcal infection.
There is a short-term side effects of using this vaccine as part of the body reddishness injection, swelling or pain. However, these side effects are temporary, as the body's reaction to the vaccine.
5. Antibiotics
Antibiotics are used to treat chronic secondary bacterial infection. Telithromycin brand "Ketek is an antibiotic often used for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.
In addition to this proposal as a chronic medication, are also useful to practice the following steps:
- You must stop smoking if you smoke. If you are non-smoking, it must be from the environment with smoke and irritating.
- You must carry out its life in terms of diversity of food, food from the food pyramid, exercise and get enough rest.
- Can be useful if you can subscribe to the program group. Thus, you will be able to understand and accept their terms. It will also help you to find other methods of treatment to try.
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