We should all be grateful to the ancient Chinese for introducing to us the many wonders of simple but good cup of green tea.
For centuries in ancient China, green tea, as you know, headaches and depression. The tradition of drinking green tea has been proven, and now his popularity is growing as technology breaks down the mystery of the many benefits that regular consumption of soft drinks.
Tea is available in many forms and variations, but there are basically three different types.
All tea, like black, green or red, from the leaves of warm weather are known as Camellia sinensis. The difference, when the leaves are processed.
The processing of tea leaves in the dark and green tea has the least change in its original form.
Green tea is the rule that the list was quickly subdued, while the black and red were dried, split and fermented, the greater and therefore more powerful.
Do not be fooled on this obvious attribute, because, as many believe, is closer to its original state, the stronger and have more powerful healing properties.
All tea is well known that polyphenols are known to have tea its antioxidant properties and it is believed that antioxidants protect your body from free radical damage.
This measure of antioxidants known as ORAC Ratings & tea was higher than in many fruits and vegetables, so you should seriously consider, including tea in your daily diet.
In addition to preventing unwanted blood clotting, have shown that polyphenols can reduce cholesterol levels. Drinking four to six cups a day may also reduce the risk of stomach, esophageal and skin cancer. A simple search on the Internet, you get a long list of illnesses, pain and suffering can be cured by the inclusion of the drink without a prescription.
Some of the most popular, which can be cured are cancer, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, as well as decreased immune system.
But many do not realize that the benefits of green tea is also available to help us against digestive disorders, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's, and the metabolism and increase fat burning. It has been reported, even for the prevention of caries, killing bacteria, the surface of the tooth.
Whatever the reason, perhaps, drink green tea, it becomes clear that you can take advantage of daily consumption.
It should be noted that many of the more marketable "herbal teas" may or may not be tea at all, since many of these products is a mixture of herbs and spices with other plant parts that are included in the aroma.
Not the quality of health in the Camellia sinensis. Be careful when buying such products. Check the ingredients that they buy products that you would expect.