Constituent diet to reduce cholesterol levels

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The first line of defense against the increase of cholesterol is a healthy diet. The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III report focuses on lowering LDL cholesterol as one of the most important aspects of prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The report recommends that to reduce the risk of heart disease, such as therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) should be. The components of these changes in lifestyle, including diet, to lower cholesterol therapy, which includes the following.

1. Saturated fats and cholesterol - reducing saturated fats and cholesterol in the diet is the basis of diet TLC. The greatest influence on the diet the serum LDL-cholesterol levels of saturated fats. There was also a dose-response relationship between saturated fatty acids and cholesterol LDL. For every 1% increase in calories from saturated fat as a percentage of total energy consumption, LDL cholesterol in the blood serum is increased by about 2%. In addition to the 1% reduction in saturated fats reduces cholesterol by about 2%. Although weight loss, even a few pounds, LDL levels, weight reduction, achieved with a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, which raise and maintain the reduction of LDL-cholesterol. Although dietary cholesterol does not have the influence of saturated fatty acids in the serum levels of LDL-cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol increased consumption of cholesterol.

2. Easy fat - only the fat replacement of saturated fats to a height of up to 20% of total energy consumption is recommended for reducing cholesterol in the diet. Simple fats lower LDL cholesterol with respect to saturated fatty acids, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels without decreasing. Vegetable oils and nuts are the best sources of fats easily.

3. Unsaturated fats - When used in saturated fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, reduce LDL cholesterol. Unfortunately, they can also lead to a decrease in HDL-cholesterol, compared with the effect of simple lipids. The recommended consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids is approximately 10% of total energy consumption. The best sources of these fats are liquid vegetable oils, sex-liquid margarine, and other margarines low transfatty acids.

4. Total fat - saturated fats and acids transfatty, LDL cholesterol, while serum levels of LDL cholesterol did not seem to be that of the total consumption of fats. For this reason, reported that it is of great importance in the total consumption of fat, while saturated fatty acids on the target.

5. Carbohydrates - reduce LDL cholesterol when they replace saturated fats with carbohydrates. Nevertheless, high consumption of carbohydrates, more than 60% of the total energy consumption, are shown in HDL cholesterol and triglycerides in serum increased. This is a response to the reception of carbohydrates can be reduced by increasing the consumption of soluble fiber food. In fact, by increasing the soluble fiber 5 pm until 10 pm grams per day, LDL-cholesterol by about 5%.

6. Proteins - Although dietary protein is usually only a minor impact on serum levels of LDL cholesterol, the replacement of vegetable protein for animal protein to reduce LDL cholesterol. This may be due to the lack of cholesterol and less saturated fat content of vegetable proteins in food. Of course, not all animal proteins with a high content of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Nonfat and low-fat dairy products, protein, fish, poultry without skin and meat of beef and pork lower in saturated fat and cholesterol.

The use of cholesterol lowering diet is the first step for anyone who showed a high LDL cholesterol. Reduction of serum cholesterol to risk of cardiovascular disease is declining, along with all other health benefits have a healthy diet.