Cholesterol is a waxy substance in the tissues of all animals, including people, and in all foods of animal origin. The largest source of dietary cholesterol from egg yolks and the flesh, as the liver or kidneys.
There are basically two forms of cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDLs) and high density lipoproteins (HDLs). LDL cholesterol is bad, because their main purpose is to provide cholesterol to cells. Transported through the blood, and the tendency to stop on the road, clogging arteries and blood vessels, as well as contribute to the formation of plaque. HDL-cholesterol, on the other hand removes LDL cholesterol from the circulatory system and returns it to the liver, it is removed from the body.
For people who have high LDL cholesterol, the first thing your doctor will recommend lowering cholesterol diet. This may also have products that are low in cholesterol and saturated fats in reducing diet. But there are other ways to reduce cholesterol levels and LDL levels:
1. Exercise - The sedentary lifestyle most people live today, only makes sense that the risk of disease is much greater. Only 30 minutes of exercise 3 or 4 times a week may increase the risk of many serious life-threatening diseases. So, why the performance of LDL-cholesterol low?
The energy that the body for the implementation of sugar, fats and proteins. After sugars and proteins, your body will burn its fat reserves, which are converted into a convenient form of energy. Thus, in the liver increases production of HDL cholesterol in the blood LDL cholesterol circulates collect energy for use during the exercises. How to reduce the amount of LDL-cholesterol in the body.
2. Feeding a diet low in fat - one of the most interesting things about cholesterol eat food with high cholesterol is not necessarily a bad thing. Although in moderation should be the main culprit in the process of cholesterol is a diet high in saturated fatty acids as sources of animals and plants.
3. There are more soluble fiber - in fact, it is important to many of both types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, as in the case of cholesterol, fiber from fruits and vegetables is the most important. Soluble fiber removes cholesterol from the body by binding with them.
4. Red yeast rice - the number of STATIN drugs to control cholesterol are made from red yeast rice. Only makes sense that in their natural state, help reduce cholesterol levels in their ability to produce cholesterol.
5. The stress of living - are chronically stressed the effect of cholesterol in the body. In fact, people who eat a diet lowering cholesterol, but have a high load can be no significant reduction in levels of LDL.
6. Smoking - if you quit smoking better. Smoking increases the building of plaque in arteries, resulting in the effect of high LDL cholesterol.
Reduction of high LDL cholesterol, is crucial in the prevention of coronary heart disease and. It is also important to work closely with your doctor, that measures taken to reduce cholesterol in the work.