Tobacco smoke Generate More Pollutants from Diesel Engines

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London - MIOL: Research conducted by researchers in Britain states that cigarette smoke produces pollutant 10 times more compared with a diesel car plant.

A study in the magazine Tobacco Control, published by the British Journal of Health, also shows that air pollution due to cigarette smoke in a closed 15 times higher than in the open.

The experiment was conducted in a garage in the city Chiavenna, northern Italy, a region that has a low rate of pollutant. Pollutants that there is smoke in the compound is the most dangerous in the air pollution, gas, it can come from many different types of sources including cigarettes and pipes renunciation gas. Pollutant substances that can cause various types of dangerous diseases, such as emfisema, wet lungs, asthma, and cancer.

The researchers chose the site of a garage as an experiment, because of similar size with office space in some places. They said that the research should get more attention because of the results of the experiment, it also shows the influence of cigarette smoke bad for the passive smoker.

In the experiment, the diesel engine car brand Ford Mondeo with two liters of fuel brought up for 30 minutes in a garage with the garage door closed and six small ventilation left open.

They then compare the results with the smoke from three cigarettes to stem the boots for 30 minutes in the garage with the same conditions the same.
A pollutant analysis tool used to measure the rate of pollutant in the trial that every two minutes.

The researchers also found that when the number of cigarettes switched pollutant particles 15 times higher than outside the room, while the amount of pollutant diesel engine starts up when only about two times higher compared with the situation outside.