Green tea as cancer Chemotherapy

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Results of research during the past 20 years shows that this compound polifenol found in tea are able to reduce the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease.

Water leaf tea (Camellia sinensis), has been consumed since human yore. Tea contains many compound, including a mixture of various compound polifenol believed to have the potential to improve health and prevent various diseases.

After water, tea is the drink most consumed by humans in the amount of approximately 120 ml per capita per day. There are two types of tea products that are ready to be consumed, namely, black tea and green tea. Black tea is consumed at most (80 percent), while green tea ranges from 20 percent only.

Black tea is usually consumed in western countries and some countries in Asia, while green tea is consumed primarily in China, Japan, India and several countries in North Africa and the Middle East. Black tea is processed differently from green tea, so the content of chemistry is different, too.

Different processing

The processing of green tea begins with picking green tea leaves as soon as possible and heated with steam to deactivate the enzymes. Thus the process of fermentation (fermentation) can be prevented, then dried. Green tea contains epikatekin as polifenol main component, which has the flavor and characteristics of tea green.

While black tea processing starts with letting the fresh tea leaves that have been fade, until the water reaches about 55 percent compared with the water content in fresh leaves, so there pemekatan from polifenol in the tea leaves.

Leaves are then and was diremukkan, to start the fermentation process of compound-polifenol compound. This process will allow the occurrence of oxidation reactions from polifenol in enzimatik by the enzyme polifenoloksidase.

During the fermentation process, katekin changed to theaflavin and thearubigin. The chemical composition of green tea with the fresh tea leaves. Green tea-containing compound polifenol compound consisting of the flavonol, flavandiol, flavonoida and acids fenolat is estimated that 30 percent of the weight of dried green tea leaves.

Generally polifenol compound in green tea is flavonol group known as katekin consisting of epikatekin, epikatekin-3-gallat, epigallokatekin and epigallokatekin-3-gallat (EGKG). In black tea, polifenol main theaflavin and theatrubigin.

Superior green tea

Polifenol green tea is much more role to prevent the occurrence of cancer than black tea polifenol. Based on research conducted on the animal experiment polifenol tea mainly to prevent the occurrence of cancer caused by harmful chemical (Carcinogen) and skin cancer due to ultraviolet ray radiation.

Cancer because the disease harmful chemical can be prevented with the use. Cancer include lung cancer, stomach, esophagus, duodenum, pancreas, liver, breast, colon and skin.

The relevance of the information the results of this experiment on animals to human health, can be confirmed through observation epidemiologically, especially in high-risk population that kankernya disease.

Protektif general nature of green tea against cancer performed by main polifenol in green tea, namely EGKG. In the United States, green tea extracts, have entered into various products such as shampo, cream, beverages, cosmetics, ice cream and other available in pharmacies, wholesalers and pharmacies.

Consumption of green tea can prevent cancer through increased persecution tumor effects of doxorubicin in animal experiments. Giving green tea will increase the concentration of doxorubicin only in the network tumors, but not in normal network.

Polifenol green tea in general will also increase the activity of enzyme-enzyme that plays a role in the process detoksifikasi, such as glutation-S-transferase (GST), which function to disable the Carcinogen and removing from the body. If this fact can be proven in humans, then green tea have a good prospect as a cancer chemotherapy.