Preventing flu

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What is influenza? Influenza (also known as the "flu") is a viral infection in the lungs throatand nose. About 10% to 20% of Americans flu each year. Some people are very sick. Each year more than 130,000 people go to the hospital with theflu, up to 20,000 people die from flu and flu complications.The can cause fever, cough, sore throat, liquid or stuffy nose, headache, muscle pain and fatigue. Some people describe as the worst flu beinglike cold of his life. Most people feel better after 1 or 2 weeks. But for some people, influenza leads to serious, even life-threatening, diseases such as pneumonia. Vaccines against influenza (flu) is recommendedfor people who are more likely to get really protect the patient from theflu.

Who is most at risk? Some people have an increased risk of influenza complications such as pneumonia. If youare in each of these groups, you should take the flu vaccine every year:
* All children 6 to 59 months
* All adults over 65 years and older
* All women who are or become pregnant during the flu season
* Residents of homes and long-term
* People, long-term health problems
* Children from 6 months to 18 years with a focus on chronic aspirin
* Health care workers who have direct contact with sick
* Care and household contacts of children under the age of 6 months

How can I avoid the flu?
The best way to avoid contracting influenza States is eachfall flu before the start of flu season. The vaccine is available by firing or nasalspray. Vaccines work to identify your immune system for influenza virus.Your body to create antibodies against the virus, in order to protect themselves from flu gettingthe. Flu virus has died. Nasal spray vaccinecontains live but weakened virus. You can not use the nasal spray flu from the flu shotor vaccine.Some people, influenza vaccine, but willusually get mild case of people who are not vaccinated. Isespecially The vaccine is recommended for people who are more likely to get really sickfrom complications of influenza.

Is there anyone who should not be flu?
Yes. These people should consult their doctor before using flushot:
* People who have allergies to influenza vaccine in the past
* People with allergies to eggs
* People who previously developed Guillain-Barre syndrome (reversiblereaction cause partial or complete loss of movement of muscles, weakness or tingling sensations in the body) for 6 weeks, shot on stream

Is there anyone who should not be nasal-spray vaccine?
Yes. These people should consult their doctor before you thenasal spray vaccine:
* Children under age 5
* Adults aged 50 and over
* The population in the long-term health problems
* People with weakened immune systems
* Children from 6 months to 18 years, with emphasis on the treatment of chronic Asprin
* People with a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome
* Pregnant women
* People who have allergies to influenza vaccine in the past orthostatic eggs

If I were influenza, can I have flu?
Yes. Even with the flu vaccine, you will not be 100% secure. Each year, fluvaccine contains 3 different strains (types) of the virus. Strainschosen is that scientists believe are more likely to happen thatyear. If the elections are successful, the vaccine is 70% to 90% effective inpreventing flu in healthy people under age 65. If you olderthan 65, the vaccine is less likely to prevent the flu. Even if you theflu after they were vaccinated, the symptoms of flu, you should easily than if youdidn't receive the vaccine. They are also less likely to complications from the flu.

Is the vaccine safe?
Yes. Influenza vaccine is safe. There are very few side effects. If the flu gotthe, the hand can be a pain in a few days. You may have fever, a sense of fatigue or pain in the muscles in a short period of time. If the nasal spray vaccine, you may have a runny nose, headache, cough or sore throat.

Can I get a flu shot, if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
If you are pregnant during the flu season, this is not possible, nasal-spray vaccine. Nevertheless, it recommended that women who become pregnant duringflu season for the vaccine. Pregnancy can increase your risk for complicationsfrom flu.It Also, be sure to create the flu, while nursing the child. Flushot can not make you or your child's care.

What influenza antiviral medications?
Influenza antiviral drugs on prescription drugs, which can be used to helpprevent and / or treatment of influenza. There are four antiviral flu drugs: amantadine, rimantadine and oseltamivir zanamavir. All 4 of this antiviraldrugs have been approved for treating influenza. If you're using one of these drugswithin 2 days of illness, its symptoms can be reduced theamount time when you are sick, and make you less contagious to others.

Most healthy people who are better off without flu drug anantiviral flu. Your doctor will choose medicinesis Is this right for you.

Three influenza antiviral drugs were approved for the prevention of influenza.
These drugs are not a substitute for influenza vaccine administration. Mostoften, which are used for the prevention of influenza in institutions where people at high risk of complications forflu are in close contact with each other, such as hospitals or nursinghomes. For example, during outbreaks of influenza in the house, residents and staff can be provided influenza vaccine and antiviral drugs to prevent flu until the vaccine becomes effective.