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Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of one or more lymph nodes, which usuallybecome swollen and tender.

Lymphadenitis is almost always on the infection may be due tobacteria, viruses, protozoa, rickettsia or fungi. Typically, the infection spreading to the lymph glands of the skin, ear, nose or eyes or infection fromsuch infections, such as infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection, streptococcal infection, tuberculosis or syphilis.

Infection can affectmany lymph nodes or only those in the area of the body.

Diagnosis Infected symptoms and increase the lymph nodes, and usually painful and tender. Sometimes the skin over the nodes of infected red looks and feels warm. Sometimes pockets of pus (abscess) to develop. Large lymph nodes, which are not producepain, tenderness, pain, swelling, redness or May serious diseases, such as, aslymphoma, tuberculosis or Hodgkin's disease.

These lymph nodes adoctor attention. In general, can be diagnosed based on symptoms lymphadenitis, and itscause an infection near his side. If the case does not identifiedeasily, biopsy (removal and examination of tissue samples amicroscope) and culture may be needed to confirm the diagnosis and identify the body, leading to infection.

PrognosisTreatment and treatment depends on the body that cause infection. For bacterialinfection, usually administered antibiotics intravenously or orally.

Warmcompresses can help the pain in inflamed lymph nodes. In general oncethe infection was treated, lymph nodes slowly back and painsubsides. Sometimes the expansion sites will remain strong, but not more than feeltender. Abscesses should be drained surgically.