Gangliosida role in the formation of memory

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Nutrition contained in the fatty acid is highly needed in the formation of memory and brain function of the general, the growth and establishment of the nervous cells. Gangliosida also function as a modulator, nutrients that help the brain make the transmission of information and data storage.
Gangliosida the highest concentrations found in the gray areas of the brain that are at large and celebral brain cortex area that is important in memory formation. Generally ditemikan also in the cell membranes of cells, which centered nervous at the end of nervous cells, the crossing sinapsis.
Gangliosida related to the growth of cells involved in the nervous and neuritogenesis (the development of nervous cells) and the establishment of sinaps. Naturally, there gangliosida on breastfeeding. So it is recommended for people to give mothers breastfed babies dive in the first 6 months. In addition to breastfeeding, can also be given additional food that contains gangliosida such as milk for children aged over one year. With more and more nervous processes connected to the brain, the better the learning process.