Sex education for young children

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Children pre-school age children are 3-5 years is like asking about sex. Usually the questions that are often general and centered on the difference in body anatomy, pregnancy and birth. This is normal, because children this age begin to recognize seksualitasnya addition will be aware of their surroundings.

What should be done?

Answer the questions honestly with children
If we find it difficult to answer the questions of children, do not put a light.
Tell us not only know the answer and will find out, tell when we will also provide answers. Consequently we must correct. This is better than the original answer. Children will appreciate the honesty of her parents.

Language that is easily understood children
Regardless depth explanation, just once. Most children do not have been heard.

Does not distinguish
Information that we must give Equal or balanced between boys and girls.

Use the actual term
That is not less important, use the name or the correct term. For example, the penis to male genitals, not 'bird'. Similarly, the vagina for girls.

Do not laugh
It is important for children to feel comfortable when asked or talk about the sex and their sexual development. The talk around sex is not something funny, especially if the question is children.

Not avoid
Never avoid the question of children. Remember, children will always try to find the answer on the curiosity.