Many nations in the world, especially Europe, the habit of drinking milk made breakfast every morning. Habit of drinking milk and high nutrient content found in milk, causing a higher average European level exceeds most Asian people.
Cow's milk is estimated to be known by the new nation of Indonesia in the colonial era to the Netherlands in the 18 Century.
Despite this, to the current level of awareness of the Indonesian people to consume milk is still low. A state data, in 2006 recorded the number of Indonesian society milk consumption is only 7.7 liters per capita / year or lower than the number of countries in Southeast Asia (Asean).
According to dr Natalia Emmy SpGK MS, doctors of nutrition from RSPAD Gatot Subroto Jakarta in milk festivals held Tetra Pak Indonesia in Jakarta, last week, the Indian milk consumption in 2006 reached 44.9 liters per capita / year, Malaysia's 25 liters per capita / year, Thailand's 25.1 liters per capita / year, Singapore's 20.8 liters per capita / year, the Philippines 11 liters per capita / year, Vietnam and 8.5 liters per capita / year.
Natalia from disclosing the notion that milk costs, increase body weight, blood lead levels, or cause cholesterol, tends to make someone reluctant to consume milk.
Actually, according to him, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA), namely its BPOM the United States in 1993 issued a formal statement, that the milk is very useful to prevent osteoporosis, reduce the risk of cancer, reduce the risk of high blood, and can delay aging at the same time minimize pores in the face.
Ricky Soebagdja, athletes badminton gold medal in 1996 Olympic Games that became Ambassador Milk Drinking Campaign proclaim the importance of drinking milk to meet the needs of nutrition and nutrition to bolster performance.
Natalia makronutrien of the milk covers the energy content of 60 calories, 4.52 grams carbohydrates, 3.25 grams of fat, protein, amounting to 3.22 grams and 88.32 grams of water.
Form of liquid milk, which is one of the benefits of milk compared with other nutritious food, vitamins and minerals to make a full easily found in the milk is absorbed by the body perfectly.
Milk as a source of vitamin A work to keep certain parts of the body such as epitel, eyes, the immune system. Impact of vitamin A deficiency itself will lead to interference in the growth, blind and dusk skin dry.
Vitamin D is also contained in milk, the words of Natalia, a role to prevent rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. "Milk also contains vitamin B2 is important in the metabolism of fat, protein and carbohydrate. To avoid the lips and tongue, broken-broken, and dermatitis seboroik," said Natalia off.
Content of vitamin B12 in the milk for the establishment of a functioning and metabolism genes folat, will prevent the emergence of anemia, sleep, and glositis on the body.
Meanwhile, efforts to anticipate and osteoporosis strain can also be done with consume milk as a source of vitamin bones and teeth, blood coagulation, nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and activation of enzyme-enzyme.
Milk is a source of phosphorus component of bone, teeth, cell membranes and the formation of ATP, is very useful to overcome muscle weakness and failed kardiorespirasi. More of Natalia said that the lack of milk in which contained iodine will cause goitre, hipotiroid, and stunted. (izn)