Danger for Addictions Sports

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Results of the latest eating the International Journal of Disorder, sufferer of 336 women anoreksia, more than half of exercise, and on, reports of Cardiology Review noted that anoreksia and bulimia most often cause death. Property is not too good. Similarly with too much exercise. Benefit both sports lost it. Also increased the risk of injury. Is there a danger of another?
When given the assignment to write concerning the dangers of sports, and I can feel a little offended. It was in my office, including the "insanity" of sports. In the week I could visit the gym three or four times. Not yet at the weekends I often invited to swim or yoga exercises by my friends.
Indeed, because the sports bodies regularly so I rarely sick. However, when sick, friends said, with views of the accused. "You sick, as most sports, yes?"
In fact, I was not alone in this sports mad. In the gym where I become a member, I often meet with a number of women so that "freeman" because the day is seen hangouts in the gym. And I was also there is apanya compared with them. Most in the day, I only took one or two classes at the studio exercises. They can take three to four classes! Not including training in use tool load.
Just like me, it seems that women have a strong commitment to diligently sports. No mind to make sports as in life obsession. Unfortunately, sometimes "commitment" is changed to adiksi or addicted. If opium is so, can damage the body, mental, and may cause death.
Jim Fixx, author book The Complete Book of Running, is a marathon runner who ran 95 kilometers a week and is a perfect example of the addicted sports. Long ignore the pain he experienced chest when run. Actually, it is a sign that there is something wrong in the chest. Jim INCREASE heart attack at age 52 when run.
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In this case, there is no clear line between the limit adiksi with strong commitment to sports. No blood test also confirm that our pain addicted sports. American Psychiatric Association (APA) are not recognized addicted sports seunik diseases such as bulimia eat aberration or anoreksia.
Results of the latest eating the International Journal of Disorder, sufferer of 336 women anoreksia, more than half of exercise excessively. The researchers define the sport is excessive if the practice every day for more than three hours, obsessive with physical activity that can mengintervensi other aspects of life, sport, or even when injury or illness.
Addictions sport is so similar to the category of aberration. So if the sport is excessive incoming adiksi category? Adiksi definition in the diagnostic manual mental aberration WHAT stated that there are at least three of the following characteristics: tolerance, addicted, many do after a long period, does not successfully reduce, to spend the time to social activities, work, recreation, and continued despite harmful consequences.
Although addicted sports do not get the official stamp from the sun as the aberration, addicted to meet these criteria, most of which was issued by the APA. "It is clear that the nature gym adiktif," said Caroline Davis, Ph.D., professor of physiology Toronto's York University who examined the advantages of sports.
In 2003, research was conducted on rats published in the Behavioral Neurosciences. Research is derived using mouse pleased that ran on the wheels turn. When the rat-mouse wheel does not get to play running, their brains react as a dope drug addicted.
In the brain activity seen in the region responsible for the addicted. Regional brain is also active when the rats addicted drugs stops to get cocaine, morphine, alcohol or nicotine.
The shadow of Maya
Peach Friedman (28 years) is a personal trainer from Sacramento, California, and spokesperson for the National eating Disorders Association. When the lecture Friedman suffering with bulimia sports anoreksia. Initially the obsession has a body selangsing models and movie stars Cameron Diaz. Then, in the first year of study outside the pacarnya to go to the country. Pandemonium that Friedman not feel so safe and lonely.
A therapeutist recommend himself for the sport to relieve the feeling of security. Initially suggestions that successfully repel the insecurity. I feel Friedman, "If I sports, I would feel worried."
In the age of 21 years he is in condition really sick. When is the day he ran as far as 10 to 15 km. And, he only consume low-calorie foods. "The pattern I eat really tight," he said. Snack, he only eat pickles and carrot. Young girl at 180 cm from the weight loss is healthy weight 65 kg to only 45 kg.
"As a girl kuliahan, Friedman match with a typical bulimia sports," said Kate Bruno, RD, CPT, therapeutist nutrition from Charlottesville, Virginia, which provides counseling for Friedman.
Women, said Bruno, to be more vulnerable obsessive tendency in the sport. Research published in 2004 Journal of American College Health found that 22 percent of the 257 freshman have a tendency depending on the sport. They sport six or more hours a week and kerutinan they approached patologis category.
Male actually trend can also be obsessive in the sport. This number of them seem the same with many middle-aged women. According to reports the British Medical Journal, aberration called body dysmorphic Disorder (in the mind itself, which is filled with a disability that appearance is not real) men and women suffer.
Perfeksionis, pencemas, or obsessive tendency kompulsif also be vulnerable sports excessive. They often sport at the same time every day. They sport even when injury or illness. Sometimes sports a main priority in life overcome family, work and leisure, said Friedman. Aspect is controlled by the sport is making a difference in people with obsessive sports people who simply like sports.
Detoks Life
Sports excessive sometimes more so because of a compliment other people. "The other achievement because so impressed him," said Carolyn Costin, author book The eating Disorder Sourcebook Award from the other people that make it so adiksi the surge.
When adiksi is increasingly so, the problems become severe. When the Friedman nutrition, so that the body stops producing estrogen hormone. Haidnya not stop. He also suffered injury because of excessive muscle sport. In addition, he does not have a boyfriend. Pacarnya of the sport.
Dangers of low hormone estrogen and malnutrition is porous bones. NGOs to the sports-ngosan chest pain or harmful to the heart. Less weight also disrupt the body's electrolyte balance, cause irregular heart rate that can be affected by heart attack. Reports of Cardiology Review noted that anoreksia and bulimia most often cause death.
Until now, Friedman is still consult with dietitians. "Every time menstruation stops, you lose bone. Each time compelled to run with less weight, you lose bone and muscle. You are also more vulnerable without symptoms of heart failure, and of course death," said Bruno.
The first step to overcome excessive sports obsession is with recognizing that we have a problem. After Bruno recommend stop sports and concentrate improve eating patterns to increase the weight and improve nutrition.
After "detoks" stop sport for three months (or less can be more appropriate needs), you can sport again. At a certain point they can achieve self-confidence back in training or moderate level of mediocrity.
Sports rabid should be terminated because it brings back to the cycle adiksi. Some people can sport detoks light when the soul is. There are activities that can perform low impact. There are also a must stop at all.
I even Old Fast
Sports are measured regularly and recommended by doctors for their health. However, sports, and unlawful legal.
Why? "In general there are two things that occur when excessive exercise. First, the increased stress hormone called kortisol overfishing. This causes the body so that fatigue or exhaustion," said Dr. Phaidon L. Toruan, MM, doctors and fitness in mind and society members Awet Healthy Indonesia (It).
Bad things that happen when the two sports is the excessive increase in the rate of excessive free radicals in the body. Free radicals when it will cause excessive inflammation in the entire system, including blood vessels. "This inflammation that causes plaque so that the heart attack occurred as a comedian Basuki experienced," said Dr. Phaidon.
Sports without excessive supported healthy eating pattern, thus intensifying the situation. "Already many free radicals from the sport plus hobby eat gorengan, averse eat vegetables and fruit sources of antioxidants. As a result, so the more free radicals accumulate. This is a system that aggravate the body and accelerate aging," he said.
Other sports danger, according to the Phaidon, is the environment. "Sports in the middle of the city such as Jakarta berpolusi thus enhance free radical," he said.
In addition to regular sports, measurable, and mediocrity, Dr. Phaidon also suggest to varying types of sports. "One type of sport will train the muscles that it is just easier to injury. Now many fans incidents aerobic exercises sore knee joints, osteoartritis, and pain in the feet," he said.
Alternative strategies Stop Obsesi Sports
Besides sporting a temporary stop, do therapy for people who can stop the obsession:
This is a therapy that can overcome the sense of panic and the mood more so bright. You also be more relaxing.
This also control the sense of panic as a result of sports and taste bring rileksasi and peaceful.