What is the newest in the head when discussing cholesterol? Understanding that there may be valid and some of the people in the adult high cholesterol is only property which they consider to be fat, and not that skinny.
Even skinny people do not necessarily free of high cholesterol too. It is time align contention wrong one that tends to mislead this.
Cholesterol levels can cause cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to the estimates of the World Health Report 2001, 29% mortality in Southeast Asia caused by CVD. In 1998, CVD is a cause of death of 23.4% in the hospital in Sri Lanka, almost 33% in Thailand and in Indonesia, 200 from 100,000 died due to CVD.
High cholesterol is also called as a murderer who came secretly because cumulation cholesterol not occur in the eye. This resulted in the people do not have health concerns due to high cholesterol.
Even up to now, most people have mistaken assumptions about cholesterol. They believe that the myth of myth-cholesterol only attack people in the age of 40 years, obese people, men, sex manifold, and generally the rich. The perception that "high cholesterol will not attack people like me" make most people feel that the cholesterol problem is not that urgent, and yet not so relevant to motivate them to take action. Even once again reiterated, people with high cholesterol do not necessarily have the body fat.
"Cholesterol is the content of fat in the blood, and not always followed by excess weight," said Dr. dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc, Staff Instructor, Department of Nutrition Sciences, FKUI, in a workshop on the socialization of cholesterol that initiated PT Nestle Indonesia, July.
According to Dr. Saptawati, high cholesterol as the silent killer is not very relevant for young people, but in reality, high cholesterol can attack anyone, without exception.
"Although you are under 40 years old, but if you have a healthy lifestyle does not include: smoking, too much high fat food, not exercise, then you include in high-risk groups," he continued.
Shifts lifestyle, especially in urban areas, almost did not give the option to have a quality lifestyle. Eating pattern that is not healthy, less sports, is a high rate of risk factors cholesterol in the blood. Unwittingly, the high rate of cholesterol are slowly but surely accumulate in the blood vessels that ultimately caused the emergence of some diseases, such as coronary heart disease, and stroke. Therefore, educating the public about cholesterol important to show the losses they incurred because of cholesterol that encourage them to undertake measures of prevention.
Association of heart experts in the United States issued guidelines for nutrition education Dealing cholesterol levels (NCEP ATP3). In the guidelines recommended changes in this pattern of life including food consume a low saturated fat and consume food containing fitosterol (similar cholesterol in the plants) at least 1000-3000 milligram a day.
Initial research has been conducted in Indonesia in the Department of Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) of the product Nesvita ProHeart launched by Nestlé Indonesia. Research was conducted in the 6 weeks to 40 people hiperkolestemia (excess cholesterol in the blood) is divided into 2 groups, A and B.
A group received counseling on nutrition (a diet low cholesterol) and consume Nesvita ProHeart 6 weeks. Group B received only nutritional counseling for 6 weeks. During the 6 weeks in addition to monitoring the rate of blood cholesterol in the beginning and end of the first week of sixth week, adherence to a diet low in cholesterol and adherence to both groups consume Nesvita ProHeart in the group A is monitored every 2 weeks.
After 6 weeks, research indicates that in group A that do low-cholesterol diet and consume Nesvita ProHeart, on average, successfully reduce total cholesterol by 9% (compared to 1% in group B), cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) of 12 % (Compared to 3% in group B).
Prevention is the most inexpensive and effective, avoid fatty foods high, maintaining ideal body weight, exercise regularly, not smoking and regular health checks. That have Meanwhile, the rate for high cholesterol, must make a special diet and consume medicine for cholesterol, adopt healthy lifestyles, such as consume high fibrous food, fruits, fish and soy.
"For those who want to reduce the risk of high cholesterol, in addition to healthy lifestyles Nestlé Indonesia to offer solutions that are practical and effective through Nesvita ProHeart as part of a balanced nutrition diet," said dr. Leilani Lestarina, Head of Medical & Nutrition Services department, Nestlé Indonesia.
Nesvita ProHeart Why? Because the milk powder contains the rate of low-fat but high calsium formula that contains special Acticol, with the content of fitosterol in every 600 milligram gelasnya. Fitosterol hamper the ability of the absorption of cholesterol reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood. Based on research, 1000-3000 consume fitosterol milligram per day to help lower cholesterol up to 10%. This means, with healthy lifestyles, nutrition and balanced according to the needs of drinking milk which contains fitosterol 2 cups per day, cholesterol is expected to be down.
In addition to providing solutions that are easy and practical, milk also contains fatty acid Omega 3 and Omega 6, which can improve the quality of heart health. The high content of calsium also beneficial to maintaining the health of bones and teeth. So consume milk this bring double benefits, increased quality of heart health, bone health also.
Related concern about cholesterol, Nestle opened a national campaign "Nesvita ProHeart cholesterol Control" to undertake a roadshow in several large cities include education programs about cholesterol. One of the education program as an opportunity for people to be able to check their cholesterol rate and free consultation with a doctor or nutrition expert at the places that have been determined. In addition, they will receive education about cholesterol to deepen their understanding and take action to reduce the risk of high cholesterol affected.
National campaign as part of the cooperation between Indonesia and Nestlé Medical Faculty of University of Indonesia (UI FK) in improving the health of the Indonesian people, particularly related to health problems due to high cholesterol. Through the campaign, and long-term sustainable, the Nestlé Indonesia play an active role to improve the understanding of the community on matters related to cholesterol, its impact on the health and well motivate the public to start a healthy lifestyle and avoid the risk factors.
"This national campaign is a form of active contribution in giving us the correct understanding about cholesterol to the community. Cholesterol levels and suffering health problems such as heart attack, stroke and hypertension is a serious and urgent problem to overcome," said Prawitya Soemadijo, Category Marketing Manager Adult Nutrition, Nestlé Indonesia.
When you care about and prevent the early inspection. Make sure your total cholesterol rate not exceeding 240 mg / dl (200-239 mg should be skeptical / dl). If the measure below 200 mg / dl you may be relieved because it is considered normal.
However, if the rate of total cholesterol above 240 mg / dl, the categories have been dangerous, so should be reduced. Immediately check your cholesterol and contact a doctor if the measure above the threshold to get to the safe handling of the right.
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