24 Reasons Why We Need Health Food Eat

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Many people believe that if we consume enough nutritious food and varied enough, our body needs vitamins and minerals will also enough so that we can live with the healthy. Ideally announcement is true, but the fact is many reasons why we still need additional vitamins for a healthy life in the 21st century. Consume vitamins in the body when we need is a safe method to be able to meet our nutritional needs, depending on how we follow the instructions that are listed on the product label. Here are the reasons why we need a health food:

1. Poor digestion
Although the food we consume is good, if we are not perfect digestion, the vitamin-vitamin that has been our consumption can not be absorbed properly. Some common causes that lead to poor digestion us is how we digest foods that are less good and too fast. As a result, the food we eat is not yet formed particles of normal, too large to allow the working enzyme digestion enzyme-full. Many people with false teeth can not chew as people who have the teeth are still intact and complete.

2. Coffee, tea, hot and Spices
The habit of drinking tea is too hot, or consuming foods that cause irritation, such as coffee, tea or pickles and spices, which can cause excessive inflammation in the digestive channel, so that there will be a decrease in the digestive fluid and the separation of vitamins and minerals from food that is more bad.

3. Alcohol
Drink too much alcohol can be harmful to heart and pancreas, which we know is important for digestion and metabolism. Also, the channel can damage the intestine and affect the absorption of vitamin astringent, and will cause the symptoms of malnutrition. Excessive alcohol consumption will cause the body needs vitamin B complex, especially thiamin, niacin, piridoksine, folat acid and vitamins B12, A and C also the minerals zinc, magnesium and calcium increase. Alcohol affects the provision, the absorption and metabolism of the vitamin.

4. Smoking
Excessive smoking can also disrupt digestion and will increase the need vitamin C, and the other also, at least 30% more than that required by a non-smoker. Vitamin C is usually found in food will oxidise quickly when the fruit is cut in, blended, cooked or stored in places that disinari direct or near sources of heat. Vitamin C is important for immune good.

5. Use of laxative
Use of laxative, which will result in excessive absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods that are less good, with slow transit time in the intestine. Paraffin oil and other minerals, add the loss of fat that is easily soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Laxative used in other belebihan can lead to loss of minerals such as Potassium, Magnesium and Sodium in large numbers.

6. Diet without fat
Diet is very strict with all abstain food can lead to a vitamin deficiency serious enough. Even low-fat diet is normal if too tight, may lack vitamin A, D and E. Vegetarian diet that does not consume meat and other animal sources, should be planned to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause anemia.

7. Cooking the process Too Old
Cooking too long and warm meat and vegetables can cause oxidation and damage to the vitamins that are not heat resistant and vitamin B complex and C and many minerals are soluble in water. It is recommended for food mengkukus only briefly. Some, such as vitamin B6 can be damaged by the rays of the microwave radiation.

8. Food Storage
Freeze foods that contain vitamin E can reduce the content with the very drastic when melted. Foods that contain vitamin E, which terkana directly with hot air and can become rancid changed. Many sources of vitamin E found that many such as bread and oil is now being processed, so the content of vitamin E, it is much reduced, or even have been lost, but that increase resilience of lowering the content of nutrient value. Vitamin E are antioxidants that mempertahakan damage due to oxidation in the entire network. Other vitamins that can be lost because of the food that has been preserved, including vitamins B1 and C.

9. Food Preferences
Diet depends on the resources that have been processed carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour and white rice need additional resources will be vitamin B-complex carbohydrate prepare for this. Balanced diet which does not cause itching conditions, sluggish and sleep disturbance at the time.

10. Antibiotics
Some antibiotics, although useful to stop the infection, also kill the beneficial bacteria in the stomach, which in normal circumstances will result in vitamin B-complex, which will be absorbed in the intestinal wall. This shortcoming can lead to various conditions nervous, so it is recommended to consume additional B-complex vitamins while using antibiotics to time
The long and also use powder or Lactobacillus original.

11. Food Allergies
Avoiding a food group from the diet, as in the case of allergy to the gluten or laktosa, can mean losing a source of nutrition, which means such as thiamin, Riboflavin or calcium.

12. The loss of nutrition Values in Harvest Results
Some agricultural land often lack the element-elemennya. System horticulturalists intensive and can cause damage to the land of poverty, decreasing all the nutrients in the soil, including elements of elemennya regularly.

13. Accidents and disease
Burn will cause the loss of protein and vitamin important as vitamins and minerals. Production will increase the demand will ZINC, vitamin E and several other nutrition-related repair mechanism of cells. repair the broken bones will be slow with a lack of supply of calcium and vitamin C, and vice versa can be added with the addition of a complete diet. In the case of infection, such as nutrition need zinc, magnesium, vitamin B5, B6 and zinc.

14. Stress
The stress of the chemical, physical and emotional kebutuhkan will be able to improve vitamin B2, B5, B6 and vitamin C. Air pollution will also increase the need for vitamin E.

15. Pre syndrome Menstruation
Research shows that 60% of women will experience pre-menstruation syndrome as headaches, easy to anger, puffed, mengendurnya breast, lethargic and depressed. This can be assisted by adding vitamin B6.

16. Teenagers
Growth is rapid as in the age of teenagers, especially teenage daughter, is in need resources to match the growth of nutrition physical, emotional and biochemistry in this age group. Data from the United States, the Ten State Nutrition Survey (the survey involving 24,000 families and 86,000 people in the years 1968-1970) show that between 30 - 50% of teenagers aged between 12 - 16 years old consume an average of two-thirds of the needs that will be recommended experienced a shortage of vitamins A, C and calcium and iron.

17. Pregnant Women
Pregnancy causes an increase nutritional needs will be average, to ensure the healthy growth of the baby and the mother's health. Vitamin that often needs increase during pregnancy is a B-complex vitamins, especially vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and folat acid, vitamins A, D, E, and minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and ZINC.

18. Oral tool Konstrasepsi
Oral contraceptives or oral contraceptives (pills) can reduce the absorption of the acid folat and will need to add vitamins B6 and possibly also of vitamin C, zinc, and Riboflavin.

19. Eat Less
Some people often eat very little, actually do not even have a goal to reduce weight, often lack some nutrients, especially in the form of vitamin and minerals, such as thiamin, calcium and iron.

20. Information Age
Those who are further indicates a decline Intake of vitamin and minerals, especially iron, calcium and zinc. Lack of acid folat sometimes found together with the lack of vitamin C. Enter the fiber is also known to be low. Lack of Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and piridoksin (vitamin B6) also found. The reasons may include a diminishing sense because the taste and smell, decreasing disposal enzyme that can be digested, and the possibility of disease chronicles disabled.

21. Less sunlight
People with disabilities, workers and guard those who rarely get the sun can suffer from lack of vitamin D needed for calcium metabolism. Lack of vitamin D and calcium are known to cause disease rikets (brittleness of bones) and osteoporosis (porous bones). Ultraviolet rays are the establishment of the stimulation of vitamin D in the skin. Sinar is stunted by clouds, fog, smoke, house windows, hangings and clothing. Adding the maximum recommended daily about 400 IU.

22. Individual needs
The large fluctuations in the nutritional needs someone needs of the average recommended that a normal, especially for those who need to work with a lot of energy, such as athletes and manual laborers, weight and physical type. Intake of protein needs will affect vitamin B6 and B1 associated with the kilojoule calories.

23. Backup Nutrition at the Lowest Body
Although the body can store some vitamins such as A and E as a backup, the data obtained from the Canadian Autopsy shows that more than 30% of the population have reserves of vitamin A that is very low, so they said they were at risk of vitamin deficiency. Vitamin A is important for health and skin membrane mukosa (including the nose and lungs) and the vision

24. Athletes
Athletes or sportsman who consume food in large numbers and easily affected by stress, causing the need for vitamin B complex, vitamin C and iron increased. Some experiments are conducted on athletes that Australia will follow the Olympics and the football players, for example, has shown the lack of various vitamins.