First Book Babies

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Start early
We can see the elation with the baby books together. Even a very small baby will love the book. Baby sitting in the lap and show each page and kisahkan are there. Please note, make sure he was not tired, hungry or Mersa not comfortable. If he starts fussy, stop! This is because the range of concentration while still a baby. Make sure we select the right books.

0-3 months
A new born baby can not see well, but he is very happy to see faces and patterns with clear lines sharp. Look for books from the cloth with black and white images.

3-4 months
Babies can see more clearly. Book cloth with a large picture on each page is the best option. Moreover, children can touch and feel of each page, so that sense touch terstimulasi children.

6 months +
Change to the book cartons. Look for that to be quite small baby, but the images have a large, clear and colorful. Find a theme that draws a baby, including baby pictures that show the other, toys, animals and a voice-vote, songs and children's day-to-day adventure, such as when eating and bathing.