Eight babies Kid Tips and dreams doctor never say

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Doctors pretty lame with practical tips for things that, of course, babies. Here are a few tricks that we have collected - none of the risks to themselves - that could help your child to sleep, or sleep on the way back.

1. The founding fathers to be responsible. This is an area where parents can really add value. Unfortunately, this is because we have nothing to add that only the odd and even otherwise. Send Dad to the last change diapers and reading, and the child is not the idea of maternal milk or a good sense of the aura of a mummy. This is also true, unfortunately, change diapers at midnight, when your child is weaning from breast-feeding. Children do not believe that food! "When they see less breast breasts father and father no more children sleep.

2. The pump volume. Do not let your child get used to a quiet house, or if the child wakes up every siren or barking dog. In general, yes, babies sleep through anything, if they do not depend on the total silence. If you have a complete silence as a tactic of war in the dream, he can do more harm than good.

3. Since the company throughout the night. While mothers and fathers often do not resist cuddle with your child, or even try to take the child to smile or laugh when changing and feeding, the whole world will fall asleep faster, with a quiet and efficient in the semi-darkness, the child is always a bed with the slightest distraction. So, you know that a child during the day and night game "back to sleep as soon as possible."

4. Let the child sleep in their own. Every physician or sleep specialist, the strict standard sleep rituals. What some do not believe that, even if it is safe to place the child in bed, if he or she, and not sleep completely asleep. Asleep their own development is an important step for a child that may help your child to bed when you feel that you are sleepy.

5. Treatment of your child when he or she has time zones. The experts recommend that in adapting to new time zones, you need to spend hours a day in the sun and keep the light at any time prior to sleep. The same applies to children. Make sure that your internal clock is known that night.

6. Obtain a child monitor. If you are so obsessed with a dream, it is necessary to your child every few minutes, then at the end of teaching a child to rinse or groan every mother or father to care. I am definitely not a "stop mourn Out" Dad, I know that the temptation to simply, they tend to set the timer on my efforts to my children to sleep.

7. Back diapering? Yes, perhaps if I did not smell # 2, and you think that the diaper is not complete. A change of diapers, baby wipe to the skin in the hot night air, finally awakens the sleeping child. Wake the child from the history of food before bedtime. This could be a trick that some additional results of sleep. While this may be dangerous to wake a child for more suggestions, you can feed a child half asleep, it may mean that your child is fully satisfied until the morning. This means that you'd like your own child to sleep.