The three leading causes of infections

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Not all infections are equally, though they apparently do not have the same symptoms: pain, swelling, redness, discharge, fever, pain and general fatigue. However, the agents of infection are different:

Virus. Viruses are small pieces of genetic code, which is in the chamber, and to assume the functions, arguing that more cells of the virus. The immune system destroys the virus quickly, as soon as they are discovered. The virus is "rate", that is, every virus has a period where there is the usual symptoms of the disease before it destroys the immune system. Viruses are almost 75% of the ears, sinuses and upper respiratory tract infection.

Hongo. Mushrooms are the type of mold. The body of each of them (in their ears, nose, vagina, bladder, stomach and intestines), and a special kind of mushroom it is. Candida albicans is. This fungus should be present to protect the body and intestines to help after the meal. If there is too much Candida, can cause symptoms of infection. In the Mayo Clinic believes that Candida-infection in 98% of all recurrent infections, as well as about 15% of new infections.

Bacteria. Bacteria are the cells themselves. When entering a delicate organism, the bacteria multiply and more cells. A healthy immune system can destroy the bacteria, and when the immune system is not sufficiently strong, a bacterial infection may have. Bacterial infection is about 10% of all infections.

Parasites. This is because the infection can occur. In most cases these infections from raw pork products. Some scientists believe that every person on the planet, is a parasitic infection, and many medical problems parasites. But many people have no symptoms of infection by parasites. Less than 1% of infections are the result of parasites.