Do you know that the pH in the blood can cause pain for you?

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Remember that the litmus test for high school chemistry lab? You stuck a small strip of litmus paper in the solution, and it was red, which means, in an acidic environment. If it was blue, the basic (alkaline).

Thus, the body has its own sort of litmus test: This is your pH. And many health professionals a balanced pH is the key to good health.

This term means the pH potential of hydrogen, the concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. PH in the range from 0 to 14 pH of human blood is ideally 7.35. Higher indicate alkalinity, reducing the number indicates acidity.

Reduced muscle
The body simply can not tolerate extended acid imbalances. In the early stages of imbalance, symptoms may be things such as rashes, headaches, allergies, colds and flu, and sinusitis. As things continued to run the system date will be weakened. If the pH is too much tissue acid side, the reduction of oxygen to the cells die.

On the other side of the coin, it is virtually impossible to impairment of health or illness, to himself, if the pH is in the neutral zone (7.0-7.4). At this level, the body has a strong immunity against the disease. Most Americans, however, have a pH of 6.2 to 6.4.

If the pH is outside the normal range, all kinds of bad will happen. On the one hand, disease-producing organisms thrive. This explains why some people with certain bacteria or viruses of patients, while others do not.

Acid can cause muscles to contract and hinder the exchange of nutrients and wastes in the muscle cells, causing fatigue, pain and suffering. In fact, pH imbalance affects all cellular activity in the body and can cause a variety of degenerative diseases and symptoms.

Among other things, acidic blood blocks vitamin absorption, toxic waste creates obstacles in the cells, slows organ function, prevents proper digestion, creates more than gas and bloating, causes unhealthy weight, and accelerates the aging process.

If the pH below 7.0, aging is accelerated because natural acid salts accumulate in the walls of their cells, which leads to hardening and drying. In addition, aging is slowed when acid waste from the body.

What happens

Diet and lifestyle stress may directly affect the pH of all fluids in the body that determines how well your immune system works. Weakening of the immune system, of course, means low resistance to infections. It also allows acid High cholesterol LDL (bad cholesterol) to quickly damage the artery walls of your arteries and create plaque.

The high acidity in your body when you eat processed foods, packaged foods, sugary products, pasta, dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.), alcoholic beverages, drugs, table salt. Meat and acidity.

Stress plays an important role in creating excess acid. This is the reason why Type A personalities, who tend to live in a state of constant tension and stiffness, they are prone to develop acidic conditions. If you do not have enough sleep or exercise, or a life-changing events: loss of employment, divorce, moving to a new city, etc. body, probably has more acid, which can.

Restore the balance

Moderate changes in your diet can help restore pH balance. To get started, try to eat more fruits and vegetables, almonds and yogurt. E go light cheese, drinks, alcohol, foods, and sweeteners (raw honey instead). Approximately 75 percent of the diet should consist of alkaline food.

If these changes in diet, it seems disappointing, you might consider adding alkali. A recent study investigated whether the addition of alkaline minerals affect the symptoms in patients with chronic back pain. Researchers 82 patients, 30 g of lactose-based alkaline mineral supplement (Basic) daily for four weeks, in addition to medication.

The pain symptoms using Arbus back rating scale. Average more significantly, by 49 percent, total blood buffering ability was significantly improved, and blood pH increased. Conclusion: an unbalanced pH level can cause symptoms of back pain.

To reduce the load on the pH for its reading in the normal range, you can try deep breathing exercises and alkaline foods, or any other relaxation technique for you. Moderate exercise, even walking 10 minutes a day can significantly reduce stress and restore balance, the key to good health .