Breakthrough Extends Life

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Do you have one of the greatest achievements in medicine in rejuvenating our lives? This telomere biology. This exciting, modern science. And you are rejuvenating community buzzing. In fact, I think that is the nature of life on this planet.

Each time your cells divide, cells with a copy of his DNA on a new camera. However, the telomere is reduced in each instance. Telomeres as often as you can. You can view the "countdown" for the life of cells.

The shorter the telomeres, the "old" acts of the cells. This makes it easy for outside forces, such as toxins and free radicals to be devastating. They have less power, less resistance to disease, and pain .*

When the achievement of short telomeres, cells can no longer divide, as well as damaged or sick cells are not replaced. As a chain reaction that weakens the tissues and organs. And this can only lead to disease ... and, finally, death.

Here is the paradox that your body has a "genetic switch" - enzyme called telomerase - it is quite possible that the reduction and, indeed, the growth of their telomeres. But it did.

That is where the TA-65 TA-65-inch stalk of the plant Astragalus. And telomerase gene. This means that for the first time, it is possible - even reverse - the aging process in the body!

I am very excited about this new field of science, in which I was to speak. Recently, the Fund well-being of my host, Dr. Bill Andrews at a special seminar on this amazing discovery.

Dr. Andrew is one of the leading researchers in the biology of telomeres in the world. He is also one of the major pioneers of telomerase activation with the TA-65.

The workshop was limited seats. People pay $ 500 - to - to claim a place for this unique kind of insider event. This was an exciting time, and really investigate these incredible developments in the life sciences.

After opening the road to this discovery, and how it works, Bill and I and our personal experience with the TA-65. Then answered the questions from the audience.

Do not leave a stone, indeed, did not move. In fact, we have more than two hours of exciting information enthusiastic group.

I knew that most of you will not be able to do it. This is probably a good thing that the place was full. He was standing straight.

But I do not want anybody who wants to learn more about the land-losing tremendous progress. So I high-level camera crew film the whole thing.

We have this unique seminar on DVD for you. So, you now have exclusive access to these $ 500 seats rejuvenating event. You will learn everything that you want to know about the most interesting development in the history of rejuvenating remedy.

In a sense, this is even better than in the case live. You will not lose a single word, and you can do better than if you were sitting in the front row.

If you want to know how we can halt and even reverse the aging process of the genetic clock, I propose to you a copy of DVD Workshop. Shipping begins March 6.

In the meantime, you can begin to charge for their telomeres shorten now.

Lower your homocysteine - This error also reduces the telomere 3 times faster.1
Here's what I do with my patients (the number of days):

* Vitamin B12 - 500 mcg
* Folic Acid - 800 mcg
* Vitamin B6 - 25 mg
* Riboflavin (B2) - 25 mg
* TMG (Trimethylglycine) - 500 mg

You can find them at your local health food store. If you do not want all of them individually, you can use the same formula for my patients.

Take vitamin C - an inexpensive supplement is a powerful antioxidant. A recent study showed that the May telomeres shorten delays by more than 50% 2 recommend 2000 mg per day. You can use capsules, the bulk powder, or add your favorite juice.

Take SOD - SOD (superoxide dismutase) is one of the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. Protects cells from damage caused by toxins and stress. And now it has also been shown at the rate of telomere shortening.3 I recommend 500 mg per day. You'll see it at your local health food store. I use a formula cell SOD and other powerful protection for their patients. You can here.