12 Tips for Natural Acne Cure

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Acne is inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands. In general, the damage is on the face, neck, chest and shoulders.

Acne usually occurs during adolescence because of hormonal changes during this period. Moreover, with six out of ten young people twelve to twenty-four years experience some degree of acne.

Nevertheless, the mbién can occur in women who get contraceptives in the Middle Ages, are not. with the normalization of bowel function.

In this regard, we present some of the traditional means of protection, at home, and is very popular in the fight against acne, which include:

Popular Tools

Popular fix # 1: You can leave a carrot normal size, and then cooked with water, the lame, nor possible. Then puree it, and too cool for the implementation in the affected areas for about 20 minutes.

Popular WORKAROUND # 2: Another resource is based on the application several times a day, aloe pulp and Aloe Vera for grain acne.

Popular fix # 3: In some parts of Central America, and lemon juice is made from one or two drops directly or grain. This decision can only be at night because the days of May, lime juice stains the skin.

Popular fix # 4: In the case of adults who suffer from constipation, it is recommended to combat this evil, because they disappear after the acne. In this sense it is, and sage tea three times daily cleansing effect

Popular fixes # 5: In addition, garlic has been used to treat acne since ancient times. Should be deleted from the raw garlic several times a day over the area where the face of acne. Garlic also helps to cleanse the skin with black spots.

Most Popular Tool number 6: Another frequently used for skin problems, especially acne, not just individual but also in other parts of the body, bath and banana. It should be based on a handful of leaves should be boiled in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. By this time in the school kitchens and baths.

Popular Remedy # 7: impregnated by twelve hours tablespoon dandelion root 1 / 4 liter of water. Warm, and even small sips to drink quickly.

Popular Remedy # 8: The natural solution that we believe is a very curious trades in the morning and evening, in the affected area moistened Marley in his own urine or a small child.

Most Popular Tool number 9: You can use cucumber peel and then rállelo or very thin slices and soaked in rum. It applies to areas that are 20 minutes.

Popular fix # 10: Mix 1 / 2 cup of milk and three tablespoons of oats, stir until thick and cool in the face for 15 minutes.

Popular fix # 11: Apply the paste of baking soda mixed with diluted apple cider vinegar, then rinse with clean water.

Popular fix # 12: Mix 7 drops of the major tea tree, rosewood 7 tablespoons of lavender and 5 gauze and this mixture over the skin, which were previously mild soap and water clean, colorless and tasteless. Do this 2-4 times a day for acne grain. (Remedy Aromatherapy