The word chocolate comes from xocoatl (Aztec language of the tribe), which means that the bitter drink. Aztec and Maya tribes in Mexico believe that the Deity of Agriculture has sent the chocolate came from heaven to them. Cortes and then bring them to Spain between the years 1502-1528, and by the Spanish people drink the bitter taste mixed with sugar, so more comfortable. Chocolate then spread to France, the Netherlands and Britain. In the year 1765 chocolate factory was established in Massachusetts, the United States.
In its development is not only a chocolate drink, but also become the preferred snack of children, adolescents, and adults. In addition to taste good, chocolate that make it age a person becomes longer. A study epidemiologically has been done on the Harvard University students who enrolled between the years 1916-1950. By using the food frequency questionnaire collected information on eating habits or chocolate candy on the students of Harvard University.
With control of physical activity that is done, smoking habits, eating habits and found that those who eat candy / chocolate, aged older than one year are not players. Phenol is suspected antioxidants contained in chocolate is the cause of why they can be aged longer. Phenol is also found in many red wine that is known as a drink good for heart health. Chocolate has the ability to prevent oxidation LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and improve immune function, which can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer.
During this is the view of chocolate candy that cause dental caries in and may also be responsible for the emergence of obesity problem. Can not be denied again that obesity is one of the risks of various degenerative illnesses. But at Harvard University study shows that if you compensate with chocolate candy consumption, physical activity and eat a fairly balanced with the menu, then the negative impact of chocolate candy does not need to be worrying too.
According to tribal belief Maya, chocolate is the food of the deity. Taste the original seeds of bitter chocolate is actually due to alkaloid content, but after the engineering process can produce chocolate as a food that is enjoyed by anyone. Chocolate seeds contain 31% fat, carbohydrate 14% and 9% protein. Chocolate is rich in protein amino acid triptofan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Although chocolate contains high fat, but relatively easy because of brown putrid also contain polifenol (6%), which functions as an antioxidant bad deterrent.
In the United States consumption of chocolate is only contributing 1% of the total Intake of fat, as stated by the National Food Consumption Survey (1987-1998). This amount is relatively small, especially when compared with the contribution of meat (30%), cereal (22%), and milk (20%). Fat in chocolate, often called the cocoa Butter, largely composed of saturated fat (60%), especially stearat. But brown fat is the vegetable fat noway contain cholesterol. To keep the saturated fat that is not too high, there is a good idea to limit eating chocolate is only one stem per day and only limit consume supplement or other food containing Catechin such as apple and tea.
In research involving human subjects, found that the consumption of fat brown generate total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol lower than the consumption of beef fat or butter. So even though the same contains saturated fat but the effect of cholesterol produced different. Stearat a high content of the chocolate and stored into the causes of why chocolate fat is not bad like animal fat. Has long been known that stearat is neutral fatty acid that will not trigger blood cholesterol. Why? Stearat was slowly digested by the body and us also less absorption.
A third of fat found in chocolate is oleat acid is not saturated fatty acid. Oleat acid is also found dominant in the olive oil. Epidemiologically study on the Mediterranean population that consume a lot of acid from olive oil oleat concluded oleat positive effects for heart health. Often the question arises how much we can eat chocolate? There is no suggestion that nutrition is for sure; however, eating chocolate 2-3 times a week or drinking chocolate milk every day still seems acceptable. Principles of nutrition that is actually easy to eat all types of food are moderate. Nutrition problems generally arise when we eat too much or too little.
Eating chocolate will not cause addicted, but for some people think chocolate is good cause may be longing for them again. This is called Craving cake. The impact of chocolate on behavior and mood (mood) closely related Craving cake. Chocolate can be as nostalgic aroma, texture, sweet etc. This is also often associated with the content of phenyl ethylamine, which is a substance similar amphetamine that can improve absorption triptofan to the brain, which then in turn produce dopamine. The impact of dopamine is feeling happy and showing improvement mood. Phenyl ethylamine is also considered property, which possess aphrodisiac people are feeling like falling in love (heart flower). King Montezuma in antiquity always drunk chocolate drink before having sex with different women every night.
Katekin is a strong antioxidant contained in chocolate. One function is to prevent anti-aging early can occur because of pollution or radiation. Katekin also found in tea even though the number is not as high as in the chocolate. Parents often antiquity practice washing the face with water to make tea because the skin and luminous life. If they know that chocolate contains katekin higher than the tea, they may be bath with chocolate.
Chocolate also contains theobromine and caffeine. Both the substance has been known to provide a similar effect for the invite. Therefore, when our relationship-drowsiness at the airport or long queue waiting, eating enough chocolate to make sure we return skittish.
Product chocolate diverse enough. For example, there is a milk chocolate sweet dough, cocoa Butter, sugar and milk. In addition, there is also a bitter chocolate brown is a natural and contains 43% cacao solid. This type of chocolate can be found on some products chocolate bar. Nutritional content of chocolate can be seen on the table.
Nutrition substances Milk chocolate chocolate
Energy (Cal) 381 504
Protein (g) 9 5,5 5.5
Fat (g) 35,9 35.9 52,9 52.9
Calcium (mg) 200 98
Phosphorus (mg) 200 446
Vit A (SI) 30 60
There has been no evidence that chocolate cause acne. chocolate also can not be said as a major cause dental plaque as the emergence of dental plaque can also arise in people who consume food normal day-to-day. Only need to brown skeptical, especially for those who are vulnerable suffer kidney stones. 100 g chocolate consumption will increase eskers Oxalic and calcium tripled. Therefore, healthy tips that can be recommended is drink lots of water after eating chocolate.
Heart Foundation