Actually what I was breast cancer?

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Breast cancer is because some foreign network that grows in the milk glands. Foreign network continues to expand and ultimately damage the surrounding healthy network. Aware, alias check their own breasts, can be done with the arm and feel the breast. Alert when you find a bulge in the breast. protrusion can be found that the size of 1,5-2 cm. bulge that is not intentionally touched, usually has the size of the two cm (three most cm). If the bulge is cancer, two and three cm cm is meaningful, the stadium I and II.

Generally, the breast cancer attacking women with 40 years of age who have no children, women, children above 35 years, women who experience menstruation in the early age, women do not breastfeed, women who off slow and women who have a family history of breast cancer sufferer . However, data from the statistics, the risk of cancer affected is greater than they are avid eat junk food or fatty food overfishing.

Lifestyle and food consumption patterns play an important role in fortify yourself from breast cancer. Sport regularly with a mind that is always positive. Much consumption of vegetables and fruit, and eating less fat. If you smoke, stop. You do not like drinking milk? From now on, you should 'learn' like milk. Recent research in Norway stated that milk can reduce the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension and cancer. Consume three or more glasses of milk every day also may reduce the risk of breast cancer in infected women premenopause.

Want to know that food should also begin now know, are you? They are wheat, salmon, tuna, carrots, spinach, beer, wine, yoghurt, milk, soy and pure orange juice.

How treated?

As other diseases of cancer, breast cancer also recognize levels, or what's called a stadium. For any treatment varied, it can with surgery, mamografi, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. Other methods such as treatment alternatives, such as with the crown of the deity, mimba leaves, birds nest no doubt, scrawl, white turmeric, taro and mouse can also be tried, although it only impedes the spread of cancer cells that do not vine-where to go.