If your toddler is familiar with the book, he will continue to love it. If this is not the best time to mengenalkannya on them. But remember, toddler can not concentrate in a long time. So, create a session only briefly, but in a sweet and soft.
Words and pictures
Young children are not careful. So, if the child is still under the age of 2 years, still only give the book cartons. Save the books that use ordinary paper. Even if you give it, that you should recited.
Children age 1-2 year
The book with detailed pictures, both on various objects or activities that they have akrabi. Books about words suitable to the first baby this age.
After 2 years of age, children with books like fairy tales and stories. Select a very simple, clear pictures with a few words. Book with rhythmic text more easily remembered by your toddler. Try to read out the gap and allow the child to fill in or pick up words that you have not pronounce.
Make reading a regular and routine activities. This is important for meroketkan development of the language, because language is also an important element of intelligence of children and one recent success in the future.