Broccoli stimulate the body to produce a protein called thioredoxin, which can protect heart cells from the destroyer.
The researchers United States (U.S.) states that consume a lot of broccoli to provide positive benefits for the health of the body. One of the positive benefits is to protect the heart cells from the destroyer.
Professor packed Das from the University of Connecticut explained that in the broccoli contained substances that sulforaphane effectively to prevent damage to the heart. In addition, broccoli also stimulate the body to produce a protein called thioredoxin. These substances are also working to protect the heart cells from the destroyer.
He added, the process of cooking should be boiled broccoli to substance-effective substance in it and not lost. With boiled, oxygen-substances that will act more quickly in the body. "If broccoli is cooked with hot temperatures, and will reduce the effectiveness of oxygen-oxygen contained in it," said Das packed.
The many positive things to consume broccoli make the researchers are interested in starting to do some research on similar types of vegetables such as cabbage and bean sprouts. For, two types of vegetables that also have substance-substances that can protect the heart from various health disorder.
"This would reinforce previous research which revealed that eating five fruits and vegetables a day can be different in reducing the risk of coronary heart attacks. Broccoli can be recommended as one of the vegetables consumed each day," said June Davidson from the British Heart Foundation.
Davidson added, with consume different types of vegetables and fruits, the body will get a lot of Feed combination of vitamins and minerals. "So, the more varied consume fruits and vegetables, the more profit the body," said the June Davidson.
In addition, vegetables and fruits function as antioxidants that can erase many free radicals. The existence of free radicals in the body to trigger dangerous because of the emergence of cancer.
Typically, the older the age when the existence of free radicals in the body also increased because of bad environment. So, consume vegetables and fruits not limited to children, but also for all ages.
Conclusions about the magnitude of the benefits of broccoli for the health of the heart obtained from research on eating patterns of rats. U.S. researchers divide the two groups of mice, which are eating broccoli and other foods for a month.
The result, the functions of the heart that fed rats broccoli better and be spared from damage when pumping oxygen. The researchers conclusion if broccoli effectively protect the mouse heart, it will be effective in humans. For, the heart of the system and the human body similar to mice. In fact, broccoli is also believed to be able to prevent cancer in humans.
Vegetables and fruits, other than beneficial for the health of the body, is also able to create a more enthralling cuisine, for example, celery is often used to provide refreshing flavor for cooking. Some dishes, which often use celery, among other vegetable soup and stew.
In Britain, celery so popular because almost 120 million people in there consume each year. The Japanese researchers revealed, celery can provide benefits to increase the appeal of food because it contains three types of chemical substances.
Kikue KUBOTA Company T Hasegawa in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stated, one of the chemical substances that can make food more article is phthalides. Substance is boiled out of the celery in the time and temperature are right.